2010 Miss Bell Tower Finalists
NANCY -- local girl, current favorite
is the only one of this year's finalists who hails from the surrounding local
area. This will be her third attempt to fulfill a childhood dream by capturing
the coveted Miss Bell Tower award.
She came extremely close last year, when in the closest vote ever recorded, she was edged out and had to settle for the runner-up award. This, she is hoping, will be her year.
Although currently unemployed, Nancy has proven herself to be quite versatile, having held at least a dozen different jobs in the past, along with various community-service assignments.
Nancy's current long-term goal is to own her very own car. She tells us that as soon as she gets her license back, she will be eligible to register a vehicle in her name.
For entertainment and relaxation, Nancy likes to bowl and also follows several local bands around during their gigs. She is hoping that winning this contest will help kick-start her modeling career.
not a permanent resident of Greene County, Rashanda's current status as inmate
in the Greene County Correctional Facility makes her eligible for the title this
Rashanda has been assured that she will be released prior to the Bell Tower festivities, and be able to travel anywhere in Greene County at that time, providing she wears her tracking bracelet.
This is Rashanda's first visit to the Greene County area. She originally hails from Compton, CA.
Although Rashanda has yet to hold a full-time job, she hasn't ruled one out in the future. She plans on moving back to the coast at some point in time, as she is engaged in various youth-group activities there.
Rashanda has no set long-term goals, but states that her immediate goal will be to "get that damned bracelet off".
She does not list any activities or hobbies on her entrance resume, although some of it may have been edited out by the authorities at the jail. We wish Rashanda the best of luck.
LARRY -- eligibility currently undetermined
would seem to be this year's dark horse candidate, as it appears he has several
hurdles to overcome, to even get entered into the contest. Officials are
currently reviewing Miss Bell Tower by-laws, making sure that his candidacy is
indeed allowed.
We are not sure where Larry is from, and he lists no current address on his application.
Larry says he has been to several Bell Tower festivals in the past, but that this is the first time he had the idea of becoming more involved. Larry would like us to stress that he is single, and available.
Larry is currently employed at the Wood Brothers Welding Shop in Carter Lake. His long-range plans include getting married, settling down, and raising a family. Larry's short-term goal is to get laid.
For recreation, Larry likes to dress up like a girl, and try to pick up unsuspecting women.