County, and Jefferson in
particular, continue to lead the way in modern, environmentally-efficient
methods of recycling used and unwanted products back into the environment,
thereby keeping the earth safe and pristine for future generations of
Jeffersonians. Recycling not only allows our children and grandchildren to enjoy
the earth in the state in which it was created, it also enables Al Gore to
capitalize by selling carbon offsets to those who are unwilling or unable to
adapt to these techniques.
Although it may be said that Jefferson
has been slow in adopting recycling procedures, there are signs that changes are
on the way.
New residents are currently being encouraged to join in
Jefferson’s most recent efforts in this field. Just four miles
northwest of town, a sight has been set aside exclusively as a depository for
any old or unused rubber tires they may own. There is absolutely no charge for
dropping off your tires in this area, providing you do it either at night or
when Jack and Mildred are not home.
Recent studies at NYU have shown that these tires will
gradually biologically break down over the course of the next 1.25 million
years, and will become a part of nature once again, which is after all, where
they came from.