The Jefferson Iowa News®
Most Recent Greene County Reports
2008 Population StatisticsEthnicity 1. White .... 41% 2. African-American .... 0% 3. Asian .... 0% 4. Native American .... 0% 5. Other .... 0% 6. Unknown/Mixed .... 58% Marital Status 1. Widowed .... 15% 2. Divorced .... 9% 3. Single .... 12% 4. Married .... 10% 5. Living Together .... 49% 6. Unknown/refused to answer .... 5% Yearly Income 1. Less than $20,000 .... 24% 2. $20,000 - $40,000 .... 6% 3. Over $40,000 .... 1% 4. Relief Only .... 29% 5. Farm Subsidies Only .... 14% 6. Annual negative income .... 25% Family Size 1. No children .... 3% 2. 1-3 children .... 9% 3. 4+ children .... 6% 4. Unknown/refused to answer .... 29% 5. Gay .... 51% Education Level 1. 6th Grade or less .... 21% 2. Grade 7-11 .... 8% 3. High School Diploma .... 7% 4. GED .... 6% 5. College .... 10% 6. College (but act like high school) .... 40% 7. Internet Degree .... what? 8. Home Schooled .... 7% Population By Location 1. Apartments .... 3% 2. Homes .... 11% 3. Hospital .... 20% 4. Nursing Home .... 21% 5. Boxcar .... 3% 6. Unknown/no address .... 8% 7. Larry's .... 34% Vehicle Registration 1. 2000 or newer .... 7% 2. 1990-1999 .... 15% 3. Prior to 1990 .... 20% 4. Farm implements only .... 6% 5. no vehicle .... 11% 6. bicycle (not registered) .... 10% 7. vehicle stolen/no registration .... 31% Housing/Construction Contracts 1. Build New Home .... 2% 2. Repair Existing Structure .... 12% 3. Paint Over Needed Repairs .... 21% 4. Dirt Work .... 1% 5. Tear Down Existing Structure .... 14% 6. Replace Sheeting on Trailer .... 29% 7. Construct fence to obscure neighbor .... 19% Most Influential American 1. Al Gore (inventor of internet) .... 9% 2. Chief Winnebago (inventor of trailer) .... 16% 3. John Deere (inventor of plow) .... 8% 4. Dave Redfern (inventor of Wednesday Happy Hour) .... 30% 5. Shorty Tasler (inventor of 23 1/2 hour towing) .... 14% 6. FDR (inventor of government subsidies) .... 13% 7. Joe DiMaggio (inventor of Mr. Coffee) .... 5% 8. Percival Davis (inventor of intelligent design) .... 5% How is Disposable Income Used? 1. Church donation .... 2% 2. Buried Under Porch .... 8% 3. Illegal Drugs .... 20% 4. Lottery Tickets .... 11% 5. Food .... 3% 6. Wet Goods .... 21% 7. Disposed of .... 15% 8. No Income .... 20%