The Jefferson Iowa News®


  Local Schools Begin Requiring Uniforms for Students

Jefferson Iowa News has learned that the local school board has voted in favor of a policy which would require all students in the Jefferson school district to begin wearing board-approved uniforms, starting with the 2009-2010 school year.

Similar measures have failed in the past, but the new, more conservative members of the school board were able to pass the plan this time. It is thought that by requiring all students to dress identically, future lawsuits can be avoided and peer pressure will be reduced.

The plan approved is actually a two-tiered measure in which all students would be placed into one of two categories, determined by a panel of educators and community leaders. They would then have to follow the designated dress code for that particular group. The two groups and their dress code is currently described as follows:

1. Group A will consist of the more talented and/or gifted students. These students would be required to attend all classes and school functions dressed in the attire selected in the photo at the left. The cost of these uniforms would be paid for by a special tax levy which will be placed on all Jefferson residents living north of State Street, as well as rural families.

Note the extremely professional and clean-cut look that will result from the change. This look is designed to prepare the students for their future lives as business leaders, and fraternity and sorority socialites. Dressed in this manner, JSPC students will stand out above the crowd when compared to other Iowa graduating classes.

2. Group B will consist of all remaining students in the school district. This group will also be asked to attend all school-related activities in their new uniforms, which were selected in an on-line vote conducted free of charge by As these families will be asked to purchase their own uniforms, the cost has been kept low by using slightly worn uniforms from the 1985 Houston Astros (see photo at left).

Local educators feel confident that the decisions made will keep the majority of the community satisfied, while not incurring large, unaffordable costs.

 Spencer Straight, 11-02-2008